July 2024 Minutes


Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at 7.30pm in St Gilbert Primary School


Councillors Present: Cllrs Christie, Clarke, Green (Chair), Greenwood, Keeley and Wells.

In attendance: C. Cllr Hill, D. Cllr Dixon-Warren, Parish Clerk Boden and 16 members of public.

To be noted that the meeting may be recorded for the purpose of transparency.



Chairman’s Welcome and Housekeeping Arrangements.


To receive reports from outside bodies.

Report from C. Cllr Hill. The Country has a new government and as of yet we have to see what changes will be made. Solar and wind farm applications are being received with two large solar applications of over 2,000 acres each in the Stamford and Gainsborough area.

In the parish the new footpath to Billingborough has been completed to Sempringham and the completion of the road is on the work schedule for completion. The problem at Millthorpe crossroads has been completed with the ditch being dug out and the drains jetted. Queensway has been resurfaced now that new technology has been found to enable tarmac to be bonded to concrete. West Road still needs more work carrying out to it.

Cllr Greenwood entered the meeting at 7.33pm

On the Section 19’s the government have appointed the contractors that are investigating. They are due to visit the householders first then the wider community including the parish council for consultation.

Report from D. Cllr Dixon-Warren. Cllr Dixon-Warren had nothing further to add.

The secretary of the Emergency Group commented that the PC were doing everything to stop giving them a grant, asking for a constitution, siting of the container and then asking for confirmation that it was for emergency use. He had all the relevant emails to show.

Cllr Green tried to explain that transparency is needed and the PC cannot just give public monies away haphazardly and all checks are needed. She asked if they have their own bank account – they do not and want to use the village hall bank account. He stated that they cannot open a bank account and the VH have discussed that the money would be placed in a sub account.

The clerk pointed out that she had not questioned about the container and had not sent or received any emails as this was not part of the grant application. All she had asked for was the constitution, as this was part of the application form, and that she had received these and a copy of the minutes of the meeting where it had been adopted.

A member of the public stated that the gates looked ridiculous. They were made aware that they still needed painting. Cllr Hill was asked if the gates met standard. He answered that there are steps regarding the positioning of the gates and road safety but not on type or quality.


24088. To receive and accept apologies for absence. It was resolved to accept the apologies for absence from Cllr Wesley due to work commitments.

24089. To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest. No declarations of pecuniary interest were received.

24090. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 18th June 2024 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 18th June 2024 and for the chair to sign.

24091. To receive an update on the grant received for the play equipment. A grant of £19,962.00 had been received from the National Lottery but due to the General Elections the PC had not been able to share the news. This grant will purchase a toddler swing, with memory seat, and a 30m cableway.

Another grant application is in to purchase two more pieces and hopefully the council will hear back shortly.

24092. Finances:

a) To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings

Invoice Date




Tidy Gardens & Grounds - 24067



R. Flower (grass cutting) - 728

£180 + vat

It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on payments between meetings.

b) To approve payments as list below.

Invoice Date




R. Boden (Wage – month 4)


July Invoice

SKDC (Trade Waste)

£19.00 (S/O)

It was resolved to approve the upcoming payments listed above.

c) To note the VAT reclaim of £1,227.11 for 23/24 has been received. It was noted that £1,227.11 had been received for the VAT reclaim for 23/24.

d) To note the National Lottery Grant of £19,962.00 has been received and moved into the Business Account to earn interest. To note that £19,962.00 had been received from the National Lottery Grant and had been moved into the Business Account to earn interest.

e) To approve the bank reconciliation. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.

f) To review the 1st quarter spending against the budget. It was resolved that spending during the 1st quarter against the budget was positive.


24093. Freedom Of Information – To receive an update on the number of FOI received and costs to the PC/ Parish. Two FOI requests were received in the last month and they totalled 30 mins of the clerk’s time.

24094. Pavilion/ Sports Block

a) To propose that the Council considers the start on the new sports block. Cllrs Green, Clarke and Wells had met at the playing field and had measured up for a decent sized building that would contain toilets, showers and a first aid/ referees changing room. The car park would be extended towards the green container. Cllr Wells had produced drawings for the Cllrs but not the clerk.

Cllr Wells wanted it to be noted that whilst he likes the idea of a fresh and new building, he would only back the build if it was a brick building. If it is a portacabin type building then he wants the money to be spent on the Pavilion instead. 

An application would have to be made to the National Playing Field Association and SKDC for planning permission. There is a need for the PC to work to have facilities for the FC so they can move the team and games back to the village. 

Cllr Green proposed that the Council considered the start on the new sports block. Cllr Wells put in a Counter proposal that the drawings should be put to the electors to see what they wanted, the new sports block has nothing for the villagers as in ‘social club’ area, which the Pavilion does.

A vote was taken with a show of hands. Cllr Green’s proposal gained 2 votes, Cllr Wells counter proposal gained 4 votes.

Due to the vote it was resolved for the Council to organise a venue where both designs can be viewed along with costings and potential grants.

b) To propose that the Council leaves the Pavilion to a later date. Due to the counter proposal this item had been dealt with.

c) To consider allowing the FC into the Pavilion to remove the showers for them to take to Helpringham. The clerk had sought advice from the insurance provider and advised the Cllrs that nobody should enter the building to remove the showers as they would not be covered by the insurance.

Against the proper officer’s advice, it was resolved to allow a group of people to remove the showers from the Pavilion and for the clerk to produce a waiver form for them to complete.

24095. To propose to hold no meeting in August due to commitments from Councillors. It was resolved to hold no meeting in August due to commitments of the Councillors

24096. To receive an update on the hedging along the playing field driveway. The item was deferred to the next meeting

24097. Date and time of next meeting on 24th September at 7.30pm. 



Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).

24098. Staffing Appraisal. 

a) To consider the outcome of the recent appraisal of the clerk, conducted by the staffing committee. This item was deferred to the next meeting due to continuing discussions.

The meeting closed at 8.48pm