January 2024 Minutes


Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 7.30pm in St Gilbert Primary School


Councillors Present: Cllrs Clarke, Green, Greenwood, Keeley and Wesley (Chair).

In attendance: D. Cllr Dixon-Warren, Parish Clerk Boden and 13 members of public.

To be noted that the meeting may be recorded for the purpose of transparency.


The Chair wished to issue his report at the start of the meeting.

He was still chasing the electrician to attend the Pavilion but it had recently been Christmas and companies had been closed. He had however got a date that they are due to meet up, as he was due to carry out some work at the Chair’s place of work. The measurements had been taken for the White Gates and quotes can be obtained.

The recent flooding had been dealt with very well by the public. It had been good to see community spirit and the PC were looking forward to working with the newly formed Emergency Planning Working Group.

It must be remembered that the clerk is an employee and the Council have a duty of care towards her and they will not stand for any bullying or harassment.



To receive reports from outside bodies.

Report from C. Cllr Hill. No report given.

Report from D. Cllr Dixon-Warren. D. Cllr Dixon-Warren highlighted the devolution that is happening within Lincolnshire. Purple bins have been rolled out and are starting to be used. A member of public expressed that a large number of housed had been missed but it has been reported and is due to sorted shortly.

The Policing Team ware due to move quarterly updates that will be available online. Storm Henk was an exceptional event with a large amount of water. SKDC do not have specific staff as they are not an emergency responder but teams were sent out to gather information. With all the surface water the flooding was unpredictable and happened very quickly.

Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public. The Chairman of the FC expressed his concern that the Pavilion still hadn’t been opened. At the public meeting that D. Cllr Dixon-Warren had chaired it was mentioned that the building would be made available once a number of checks had been made. This was ratified at the December PC meeting. Cllr Wesley explained that the work of getting the electrician in to check was still going ahead, along with the roofer. The member of the FC would be asked to take a section of the inner roof down to expose the beams but it had been Christmas when businesses were closed.

Cllr Green warned that if there was no lighting available then there was a risk of trips and falls and the lighting should be checked first. The FC member said he could provide his own lighting and another resident wanted to be shown the protocol that stated he was not allowed in until the lighting was examined.

It was reported that the FC had recently held a committee meeting and due to being subjected to new costs they were running at a loss of £60 a week - £36 a week toilet hire, around £16 on line marking paint (£700 a year), additional fuel of £5-10. The toilet hire had been paid for by Cllr Greenwood and this had recently stopped.

Cllr Wesley stated that the running and accounts of the Football Club were not the responsibility of the PC. It was pointed out that the Chair of the FC had been pointed in the direction of the grants policy a couple of occasions.




24002. To receive and accept apologies for absence. It was resolved to accept the apologies of Cllr Christie for personal reasons.

24003. Declarations of interest. There were no declarations of interest. 

24004. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th December 2023 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th December 2023 and for the Chair to sign.

24005. Co-option. To consider the two candidates for the one position of Parish Councillor. Each of the candidates were given time to speak to introduce themselves and report on what they could bring to the Council.

Ian Mansell: Cllr Greenwood proposed but there was no seconder.

Richard Wells: Cllr Greenwood proposed and Cllr Wesley seconded. It was resolved that Richard Wells be co-opted onto Pointon and Sempringham Parish Council. The declaration of office was signed and witnessed in front of the Proper Officer.

24006. Finances:

a) To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings





British Gas



L. Bennett - Newsletter



R. Boden - Expenses


It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on payments between meetings.

b) To approve payments as list below.

Invoice Date




R. Boden (Wage – month 10)


Feb Invoice

SKDC (Trade Waste)

£19.00 (S/O)

It was resolved to approve the payments listed above.

c) To accept the list of payments received.







It was resolved to accept the list of payments received.

24007. Chair’s report. To receive an update of outstanding matters from the previous meetings. The Chair’s report was received at the beginning of the meeting.

24008. Clerk’s report. To receive an update of outstanding matters from the previous meetings. The precept approved at the December meeting has been submitted to SKDC.

24009. Planning Applications: To receive notification of planning applications received since the last meeting of the Council. 

S23/2313 – Part 16 Telecoms Notification Millthorpe Lane, Millthorpe. Installation of fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus comprising 1 x 9m wooden pole. Approved.

24010. Flooding. To receive an update on the recent flooding. The Chair had previously expressed how it was good to see the community spirit and the working together during the recent Storm Hank. The clerk had managed to source sand and bags from SKDC and these had been ordered and would be delivered shortly. Further sand and bags were available from LCC but before ordering she was waiting confirmation of a further storage area. Emergency planning templates and contacts for the flood resilience forum had been forwarded to the Emergency Planning Group.

24011. Emergency Plan. To discuss what the PC can do to help the Emergency Planning Group. A separate Emergency Planning Working Group had been set up and a meeting had been held on the 7th January followed by another on the 11th January where a Chair had been decided.

The Chair of the working group gave a speech on what the group wish to achieve. A member of the group wanted to use the Electoral Register and this was explained by the clerk and Cllr Green that this could not happen, however this was disputed and the Chair of the football club offered access to them due to his position within SKDC.

It was also asked for the PC to pay for a website. The group have been directed to the PC grant application form.

There will be a further meeting of the working group on the 28th January 2024. 

24012. Parish Council Meeting - To consider moving the Parish Council Meetings to bi-monthly to enable work and projects to be completed. It was resolved not to move the Parish Council Meetings to bi-monthly and to keep them at monthly intervals.

24013. Annual Parish Meeting - To consider and approve 5th March 2024 for the Annual Parish Meeting starting at 6.45pm. It was resolved not to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on the 5th March 2024 but to hold it on the 19th March 2024.

24014. Date and time of next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 5th March 2024 at 7.30pm. As the Council are continuing with monthly meetings the next Parish Council Meeting will be held on the 13th February 2024.

The meeting closed at 8.34pm