April 2024 Minutes
Held on Tuesday 16th April 2024 at 7.30pm in St Gilbert Primary School
Councillors Present: Cllrs Christie, Clarke, Green, Greenwood, Keeley, Wells and Wesley (Chair).
In attendance: D. Cllr Dixon-Warren, Parish Clerk Boden and 17 members of the public.
To be noted that the meeting may be recorded for the purpose of transparency.
Chairman’s Welcome and Housekeeping Arrangements.
To receive reports from outside bodies.
Report from C. Cllr Hill. No report.
Report from D. Cllr Dixon-Warren. Cllr Dixon-Warren’s monthly report is already on the PC Facebook page. The three main points are that SKDC are consulting on the Local Plan with a closing date of the 25th April. The Neighbourhood Policing Priority Setting meeting is on the 19th June. To get involved contact your Parish Council and let them know your concerns. Finally, the Police & Crime Commissioner Elections are to be held on the 2nd May. Please use your vote.
24042. To receive and accept apologies for absence. All Cllrs were present.
24043. Declarations of interest. No declarations were received.
24044. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th March 2024 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th March and for the Chair to sign.
24045. Finances:
a) To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings
Invoice Date |
Payee |
Amount |
02/04/24 |
£35.00 |
It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on the payments made between meetings.
b) To approve payments as list below.
Invoice Date |
Payee |
Amount |
30/4/24 |
R. Boden (Wage – month 1) |
May Invoice |
SKDC (Trade Waste) |
£19.00 (S/O) |
23/3/24 |
Expenses - Stationary |
£5.85 |
It was resolved to approve the payments listed above.
c) To accept the list of payments received.
Date |
Payee |
Amount |
4/4/24 |
SKDC - precept |
£14,700.00 |
11/4/24 |
Football Club |
£125.00 |
It was resolved to accept the payments listed had been received.
d) To approve the bank reconciliation. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.
e) To move year-end balance £8,700 into the reserves account leaving the precept in the main account for the financial year 24/25. An explanation was given by the clerk as to what this meant. Cllr Keeley asked if it could be ring fenced for the spending on play equipment. It was resolved to move the year-end balance of £8,700 into the savings account leaving the precept in the main account. This amount will be added into reserves on the accounting system to go towards the funding of play equipment. This will give the Council a safety net in case there is a grant that needs to be match funded.
f) To consider a payment for the clerk’s overtime. Cllr Green proposed that the clerk be paid 30 hrs as a one-off payment due to the number of extra hours that she had recently worked. Cllr Keeley seconded this and it was resolved to pay the clerk 30 hrs for overtime that she was worked. Any further overtime hours will be noted and brought to full council.
24046. Pavilion. To receive the final report from the Structural Engineer and consider the way forward. The final report from the structural engineer had been received and emailed to all Cllrs, the D. Cllr, FC manager and a copy is on the website. Due to the time of year and year end the clerk had not completed the task of getting 3 quotes for demolition. Cllr Wells pointed out that companies usually demolished and rebuilt as part of the package and therefore the demolition quotes would be cheaper.
Cllr Wells read the report out and explained that it was written to make it look like the building was in a worse condition than it really was. He then produced a floor plan of how the building could look if it was refurbished.
As LALC had advised that costings of both scenarios should be compared it was resolved for Cllr Wells to draw up plans and get 3 quotes for the refurbishment.
Note: All Cllrs will need to see these plans before the meeting and not have them produced during the evening.
24047. Trees on Fen Road. To consider the need to remove the fruit trees, previously planted by the Council deferred from the last meeting. Cllr Wesley explained that the ditch next to the trees would be cleared out from the farm side shortly. This would help water to flow and escape in the event of another storm. By clearing it from the farm side it would mean that the trees would not need to be removed to get to the ditch. They would benefit from pruning but they do not need to be removed.
24048. White Gates- To consider the design of the white gates deferred from the last meeting. The clerk had explained to the Cllrs that they could not afford the composite gates and that there is no budget for them. The Cllrs decided on the design of the gate and the clerk will get them purchased. Cllr Green will paint them white once they were delivered.
24049. Football Club – To consider the proposal from the football club regarding a new agreement, siting of welfare units and the building of a new pavilion deferred from the last meeting. It was explained that the Council are willing to enter a new 10-year agreement, with a yearly review, with the FC. The Chair of the FC will send the clerk a copy of the old agreement so that there is a starting point for the new agreement to be put in place before the next season.
24050. Playing Field – To consider allowing the school to use the playing field for sports day on the 20th June. It was resolved that the school can use the playing field for sports day on the 20th June. The FC will cut and line mark the field.
24051. Planning Applications.
S24/0445 Cobthorne, 35 Village Streets, Millthorpe, Lincolnshire, NG34 0LD. Proposed 2 storey rear extension, proposed link and conversion of outbuildings and alterations (re-submission of S23/0749). Extension applied for. The Council resolved to enter ‘No comment’ on the application.
S23/0715 Jasmine Cottage 14 Village Street, Millthorpe Lincolnshire NG34 0LD. Demolition of outbuildings and erection of ground floor extension to house. Decision: Approved.
24052. Parish Council Meetings-
a) To consider moving the Parish Council Meetings to bi-monthly to enable work and projects to be completed. It was resolved to move the meetings to bi-monthly to enable work and projects to be completed.
b) To consider the following dates 16th July, 17th September, 19th November 2024, 21st January, 18th March and 20th May 2025. It was resolved to hold the June meeting as previously agreed on the 18th June and then to follow these dates 20th August, 22nd October, 17th December and 18th February.
24053. Date and time of Annual Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 21st May 2024 at 7.30pm.
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).
Cllr Wells left the meeting due to his involvement in the quote process at 8.43pm
Cllr Greenwood left the meeting at 8.43pm
24054. White Gates – To consider the quotes for the installation of the white gates. It was resolved to go with Willow Homes at a cost of £345.29 + vat.
The meeting closed at 8.53pm