May 2022 Agenda APCM
Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council
To all councillors of Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council you are hereby summoned to the ANNUAL GENERAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held on Thursday 16th May at 19:30 at St Gilbert Primary School.
The Chairman may, at his discretion and at a convenient time in the transaction of business, adjourn the meeting to allow any members of the public to address the meeting. Parishioners and others in attendance are reminded that they must remain silent during the transaction of Council business.
Agenda Items
1. Chairmans opening remarks
2. To receive and accept apologies for absence
3. Declarations of Interest:
Disclosure by Councillors of their personal interests in regard to matters on the agenda and whether the councillor regards their interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
4. Election of Chairman
5. Election of Vice Chairman
6. Completion of Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Chairman and Vice Chairman
7. To Adopt all current Council Policies and Procedures
All current Policies and Procedures, none have been added since last year.
8. Minutes of previous meetings:
To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 10th February, 24th March 2022 and 21st April.
9. Asset Register
Councillors to put together an asset register to adopt ready for the next meeting.
10. Insurance Renewal
11. Planning Matters: To Consider responses to Planning Applications:
No new planning applications.
12. Finances:
To receive the latest Financial Reports.
To resolve to approve the latest payments;
SKDC Bin - £17
PCPF - £100
Community Cleaner – March - £71.28
April - £80.19
To resolve to approve the latest income;
Aliro LTD - £50
Pointon FC - £120 (April)
13. Platinum Jubilee:
To receive an update regarding the Platinum Jubilee public meeting.
To discuss and resolve the extra payment of £173.60 to purchase the clock.
To discuss and resolve the proposal of a bench to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee.
14. Staffing Matters:
To discuss / Update the vacancy of the Clerk position.
15. Date of next meeting: