January 2019 Notes

Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Pointon on the 24 January 2019

Councillors present: Cllr R Greenwood – Chair, Cllr C Lambert – Vice Chair, Cllr J Sharples, Cllr A Scarfe, and Adrian Illingworth – Clerk.

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1 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present and reminded them of the format of the Public Forum.

Public Forum (19/81)

Commenced 7.30pm

16 Members of the public present.

Mr S Freeman informed the meeting celebrations for the New Year had been successful. He also read out a statement regarding Cllr Greenwood and Moore, which was duly noted by the Chairman.

The Landlord of the Old Ship Inn told the meeting it had also been a good Christmas and New Year. All equipment for the kitchen has been purchased but will not be fitted until funds are available. No time scale given.

Plumbing work is to be carried out within the next few months.

The review which had been carried out by members of the public regarding the issues with four councillors, who were asked to resign, has had a response from the CEO of SKDC. A copy to be sent to the Clerk for Council records.

It was concluded the missing forms did not constitute resignation/stand down and the action taken by the Council was incorrect. The Chairman informed the meeting all decisions had been made by the Parish Council in good faith.

It was stated there was a general feeling of distrust towards the Council but a vote of no confidence, before an election, would be costly. Members have the opportunity to form a new Council at the forthcoming election in May.

The residents are still seeking an apology from the Council.

A resident raised the subject of the pavements which were in need of cleaning. The Clerk to write to SKDC.

Parking on Pinfold Lane still a problem. Council to write to the Head of the school. Highways have been notified and a response has been received. (See below)

Public Forum closed at 7.50 when the Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting.

2.0 Apologies (19/82)

Apologies had been received from Cllrs W Moore, Green. Keeley and Dist. Cllr Moseley Reason for absence noted and approved by Council. No apologies had been received from Cllr M Hill.

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations (19/83)


4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/84)

The Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Thursday, 22 November 2018 were resolved to be a true reflection by members. Minutes signed by the Chairman.

5.0 County & District Council Matters (19/85)

No representatives present.

6.0 Finance (19/86)

6.1 Income received

6.1.1 Interest – Business Account 0.59

6.2 Payments approved

6.2.1 Clerk’s Salary – Dec/Jan 429.80

6.2.2 Westgate Printers – 290 copies each for Oct/Dec 205.70

Members resolved to approve all payments.

The Clerk informed the meeting a payment of £160.80 to HMRC to cover PAYE had been made prior to the meeting. Approval had been received from all Councillors, by email.

6.3 All members resolved to accept the Bank Reconciliation, This was signed by the Chairman.

6.4 Clerk handed out Budget details for 2019/20 and explained expenses had been increased by £2000 to cover possible election expenses, and other expenses.

6.5 Council resolved to approve the purchase of a new battery for the Council’s laptop

7.0 Matters affecting the Village (19/87)

7.1 A statement from Cllr Moore read out by the Chairman. All Council members to update their own actions on the plan, which will then be posted on the Parish Councils website.

7.2 Cllr Scarfe informed the meeting, after his discussion with Highways, the installation of yellow lines outside the School would not be effective. He had also been advised this would be difficult to police. Highways have told the Council the best way to deal with the situation is via educating motorists. Highways to correspond with the school.

7.3 Public members present would like the Car Club to be charged for the use of the field, rather than making a donation. Item to be placed on the next agenda for further discussion.

8.0 Highways (19/88)

8.1 The owner of the route between the High Street and the Playing Fields to explain his intention regarding making good. Costings for putting mesh down rather than turf are being considered

9.0 Issues affecting Millthorpe (19/89)

Cllrs Scarfe gave his report.

9.1 An update was given regarding Footpath 10. The particular area has been taped off but no monies were available to fund any works.

9.2 Road signs at the cross roads are different sizes. Cllr Scarfe has been in discussion with Highways, who will not action. Highways would encourage homeowners to cut back foliage so signs would be more visible.

10.0 Planning (19/90)

10.1 Planning application for a single garage at the Village Hall has been approved. (Ref: 18/2012)

All applications can be reviewed on SKDC’s website

11.0 Pointon Playing Field (19/91)

The Chairman explained EnvironmentSK had been approached to provide a quotation for cutting and marking the playing field.

12.0 Village Hall (19/92)

Mr Ramm directed the Clerk to contact the Treasurer of the Village Hall for a copy of the 2017/18 accounts. Item to be carried forward to the next meeting.

13.0 Neighbourhood Plan (19/93)

A statement was read out in the absence of Cllr Moore.

Cllr Moore has had a meeting with the Senior Rural Officer at Community Lincs to get more information relating to the process and funding available,

The Parish area has been registered with SKDC as a designated area, by Mr Andrew Ramm.

Cllr Moore would like Council to approve her contacting the Village Hall, school and residents, to ask for representation for a small working group (along with 2 or 3 Parish Councillors) to discuss the next steps. Council resolved to approve.

14.0 Election 2019 (19/94)

The date of the Election is 2 May. All current Cllrs will stand down. Should more than seven names be put forward to stand, an election will take place. If seven or less people stand there will be no election.

All new Cllrs will take office on Tuesday, 7 May.

An Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on or before Tuesday 21 May.

15.0 Correspondence (19/95)

Cllrs had been provided with copies of all correspondence received.

16.0 Next Meeting (19/96)

The next meeting will be Thursday, 21 February 2019. To be held at the Sports and Social Club starting at 7.30pm.