March 2019 Notes

Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Pointon on the 28 March 2019

Councillors present: Cllr R Greenwood – Chair, Cllr C Lambert – Vice Chair, Cllr J Sharples, Cllr Moore, Cllr Keeley, and Adrian Illingworth – Clerk.

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1 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present and apologised for starting slightly late

Public Forum (19/111)

Commenced 7.34pm

9 Members of the public present.

The situation regarding parking outside the school was raised again. The Clerk explained this had been reported to Highways who responded 4 December 2018 stating the request had been added to the list of schemes to be investigated and the Council will be informed of the outcome. Clerk also to write to Head of School.

Culvert near to 30 West Road has collapsed. Although cordoned off no action has been taken. Clerk to contact Highways.

Mr Freeman made a statement regarding an email received from Cllr Keeley, addressed to himself and the Councillors. Cllr Keeley responded and a copy of the response can be seen by contacting the Clerk.

Forum closed at 7.47pm when the Chair opened the Council meeting

2.0 Apologies (19/112)

Apologies had been received from Cllr Scarfe, and Cllr Green. Reason for absence noted and approved by Council. No apologies had been received from Cllr M Hill or Dr P Moseley.

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations (19/113)

Cllrs Lambert and Sharples expressed an interest in point 11.1

4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/114)

The Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Thursday 21 February 2019 were resolved to be a true reflection by members. Minutes signed by the Chairman.

5.0 Matters Arising from the Minutes (19/115)

5.1 The Chairman informed the meeting he had met with Cllr Green to explain the importance of adhering to the Councils Code of Conduct. A copy of the Code has been sent to all Councillors.

5.2 Agreements signed by Cllr Lambert, on behalf of the Council, and Cllr Greenwood on behalf of the Football Club and Social Club. Should anyone like a copy of the agreements please contact the Clerk at

6.0 County and District Council Matters (19/116)

No reports due to absence

7.0 Finance (19/117)

7.1 Income received

Interest – Bank Account 0.31

7.2 Payments for approval

7 .2.1 Clerk’s Salary – Mar 214.90

7.2.2 Clerk’s expenses – Oct – Mar 34.20

7.2.3 Reimbursement for fuel to Cllr Greenwood 323.38

7.2.4 LALC – Annual Subs 157.88

7.2.5 HMRC – PAYE 160.80

Members resolved to approve all payments.

7.3 All members resolved to accept the Bank Reconciliation. Duly signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk informed the Council laptop was not operating correctly and as a result a computer technician had been appointed to try and solve the problem at a cost of £35. The report produced stated the laptop needed replacing as the operation system was running too slow. The system is Windows 8, which is no longer supported by Microsoft. The cost to update and replace the battery and lead would cost as much as replacing. To be placed on next agenda.

8.0 Matters affecting the Village (19/118)

8.1 Cllr Moore informed the meeting nothing to add at this time.

8.2 None

9.0 Highways (19/119)

9.1 The bridge on the footpath off West Road has been closed.

10.0 Issues affecting Millthorpe (19/120)

10.1 Following a letter received from a relative of the occupant of Jasmine Cottage, the Council resolved to remove the notice board and place this elsewhere.

10.2 A resident asked if the Council could request a grit bin to be placed at the bottom of Queensway. Clerk to contact Highways.

Gullies at the cross road in Millthorpe need cleaning. Highways to be contacted.

11.0 Planning (19/121)

11.1 S19/0265 – Christ Church. Rebuilding of the existing southern isle and eastern gable.

All applications can be reviewed on SKDC’s website

12.0 Neighbourhood Plan (19/122)

12.1 Cllr Moore informed Council nothing to report

13.0 Correspondence (19/123)

All correspondence received via email is past to Cllrs on receipt

21 February LCC Traffic Regulation Orders
5 Mar Lincs NHS Healthy Conversation 2019
10 Mar Richard Smith Pressure Washing Service
11 Mar LALC Consultation on the future of heritage services

More details can be obtained from the Clerk

14.0 Next Meeting (119/110)

The next meeting will be Thursday, 23 May 2019. To be held at the Village Hall at 7.00pm. This will comprise both the Annual Parish and Annual Parish Council AGM’s. All residents and local groups are invited to attend.