February 2019 Notes

Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Pointon on the 21 February 2019

Councillors present:

Cllr R Greenwood – Chair, Cllr C Lambert – Vice Chair, Cllr J Sharples, Cllr A Scarfe, Cllr Moore, Cllr Keeley, Cllr Dr P Moseley and Adrian Illingworth – Clerk.

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1 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present

Public Forum (19/97)

Commenced 7.30pm

6 Members of the public present.

Mr Dent (Chairman of the Village Hall) read out a letter regarding the behaviour of Cllr Green and correspondence which had been sent regarding the accounts of the Village Hall. He informed the Council, Cllr Green’s actions contravened the Councils Code of Conduct and asked for an apology from Cllr Green. In addition he asked the Council to impose sanctions against Cllr Green. Cllr Green was not present.

The Chair informed the meeting the Council would approach Cllr Green regarding the matter, asking for an explanation. It was noted the Council has no involvement with actions of the Village Hall.

No other comments – Forum closed at 7.39pm and the Chair opened the Council meeting

2.0 Apologies (19/98)

Apologies had been received from Cllr Green. Reason for absence noted and approved by Council. No apologies had been received from Cllr M Hill.

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations (19/98)

Cllr Greenwood declared his interest regarding the following points: 7.3, 7.4, 11.1, 12.1, 12.2, and 12.3. Cllr Moore declared her interest by association

4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/99)

The Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Thursday 24 January 2019 were resolved to be a true reflection by members. Minutes signed by the Chairman.

5.0 County & District Council Matters (19/100)

Cllr Dr Moseley presented his report.

SKDC are bringing Ground Maintenance back in house and future work will be carried out by Environment SK. This will give the Council additional benefits. Environment SK have been contacting councils offering their services. The service starts 1 March 2019.

Amenity cuts to be increased from two to three.

Cinema in Grantham is ready to be topped out. Should be up and running later in the year.

SKDC are in the final stages of installing electric points in all car parks.

Cllr Dr Moseley left the meeting at 7.53pm

6.0 Finance (19/101)

6.1 Income received


6.2 Payments for approval

6.2.1 Clerk’s Salary – Feb 214.90

6.2.2 Westgate Printers – 290 copies (24pages each) 102.85

6.2.3 To reimburse Cllr Greenwood for grit bins purchased 310.00

Members resolved to approve all payments. Council members also agreed to reimburse Cllr Greenwood for the purchase of a notice board for Millthorpe at a cost of £74.95 (This item came in after production of the agenda)

6.3 All members resolved to accept the Bank Reconciliation. Duly signed by the Chairman.

7.0 Matters affecting the Village (19/102)

7.1 Cllr Moore explained all Cllrs are in the process of updating the development plan and this should be available within the week.

7.2 Grit bins have been purchased and sites have been allocated. Council agreed to provide a bin for the Village Hall.

7.3 No comments made by the Chair or Cllr Moore. After discussion other Council members voted in favour of allowing the Car Club to use the sports field. Council to consider at the next meeting whether to ask for a donation or charge a fee.

7.4 A local resident has shown interest in adopting the road to the Sports and Social Club. This currently belongs to the Council. After discussion all Council members (eligible to vote) resolved the resident could have access but no formal adoption would be considered.

8.0 Highways (19/103)

8.1 Subject of potholes was once again raised. The Council will report all faults, on behalf of the residents, but the Chair encouraged residents to report faults themselves, through LCC’s web site.

The bridge on West Road is in need of repairing. This to be reported.

9.0 Issues affecting Millthorpe (19/104)

No residents from Millthorpe were in attendance.

9.1 Notice board has been purchased and a site is to be chosen.

10.0 Planning (19/105)


All applications can be reviewed on SKDC’s website

11.0 Pointon Playing Field (19/106)

11.1 The Chairman had received a quote from Environment SK to maintain the field. This includes 32 cuts (March – Oct) at a cost of £2481, with an additional amount of £840 for marking the pitch. After discussion a vote was taken with all members in favour of continuing with the current arrangements. The Chair and Cllr Moore did not vote.

12.0 Agreements (19/106)

Council resolved to approve for all arrangements to be re-dated and for these to be signed by the Vice-Chair at the next meeting.

13.0 Neighbourhood Plan (19/107)

13.1 Cllr Moore explained a meeting is to be arranged with residents and a representative from Community Lincs to discuss further.

14.0 Code of Conduct (19/108)

14.1 All Councillors have been provided with a Code of Conduct and reminded of their obligations

15.0 Correspondence (19/109)

Cllrs had been provided with copies of all correspondence received via email.

All received 4 Feb LALC VAT on training courses
  LALC Armed Forces Day - Funding
  LALC Buckingham Place Garden Party

More details can be obtained from the Clerk

16.0 Next Meeting (119/110)

The next meeting will be Thursday, 28 March 2019. To be held at the Village Hall at 7.30pm.