July 2019 Notes

Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Pointon on the 18 July 2019

Councillors present: Cllr C South – Chair, Cllr C Burt – Vice Chair, Cllr C Ramm, Cllr D Griffiths, Cllr H Wells, Cllr Moore, Cllr Greenwood, Cllr M Hill and Adrian Illingworth – Clerk.

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1 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present and explained the format of the public forum and Council Meeting. No interruptions would be allowed unless the Chairman allowed.

Public Forum

Mr Lambert asked if there had been any further development regarding the flooding of the Dyke. He was informed ownership was not known and the council is awaiting a response.

Mr Freeman pointed out several meetings ago bids for cutting the grass and playing fields was discussed. He understood only two quotes had been received, rather than three. One of the quotes was from the PCPF and his understanding was they were not allowed to take contracts due to the nature of the organisation. It was stated, in Mr Freeman’s opinion, the bidding process should be carried out again.

Please refer to the appendix submitted by Mr S Freeman

Forum closed at 7.45pm.

2.0 Apologies (19/134)

No apologies had been received from Cllr Dr P Moseley

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations (19/135)

Cllr Greenwood expressed an interest in points 6.6 and 6.7 as he is associated to the SSC.

4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/136)

The Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 20 May were challenged by Cllr Ramm as she felt not enough comments had been included from the Chairman’s introduction. Cllr Ramm asked if draft minutes could be sent to all Councillors, for approval, before being published on the website. It was agreed any amendment to be sent to the Chair for consideration. These would then be sent to the Clerk to be amended. Points noted and minutes signed by the Chair

5.0 County and District Council Matters (19/137)

Cllr M Hill addressed the meeting.

West Road and Gilberts Close due for surface dressing. Clearance work to be carried out on Pointon Fen. Cllr Griffiths enquired if Queensway could be done. Cllr Hill informed her this would have to go down on the list for next year.

An extra £12 million has been received from Central Government for road repairs.

A new website for LCC will be available Sept/Oct

Three amenity cuts will be carried out annual, with footpaths being cut twice.

Collapsed culvert has not been fully completed. Cllr Hill to chase.

Members of the public and Councillors highlighted in many cases no response is being received from Highways when faults are recorded. Cllr Hill to investigate cases raised at the meeting.

Cllr Griffiths concerned about the state of footpaths. Need to notify Highways of specific problems.

Cllr Hill to arrange a walkabout with Highways

6.0 Matters brought forward from last meeting (19/138)

6.1 The meeting was informed SKDC were considering packaging the site of the allotment for a building plot. SKDC to be contacted to ascertain what their intention is. Clerk to action

6.2 A discussion took place regarding installation of CCTV. Council resolved not to carry forward due to the implications of having CCTV.

6.3 Council resolved to keep all parish council related items indefinitely

6.4 A discussion took pace with the Council resolving to appoint Austin Scarfe, and Cllrs Griffiths and Wells as the subcommittee for researching funding for the village. The Clerk gave a brief résumé as to how the subcommittee be run.

6.5 The Clerk pointed out the Council only had one financial commitment to the PCPF of £100 per month. Cllrs requested the PCPF be approached to ascertain what the funds are used for. Clerk to action

6.6 Cllr Greenwood volunteered to be the Council representative for the Sports and Social Club. Council members made aware there would be no conflict of interest. The Chairman thanks Cllr Greenwood

6.7 After discussion Cllr Greenwood to arrange to fence off the area around the building to prevent any possible accident

7.0 Finances (19/139)

7.1 Council resolved to approve the Income and Expenditure Summary

7.2 Clerk explained why a new laptop was required. After discussion the Council gave authority for a new lap top to be purchased along with Microsoft 365 Infinite licence

Cllr Greenwood informed the RFO two payments for last year were outstanding to the PCPF. To be rectified once the banking arrangements have been completed.

An invoice had been received for cutting back hedges. The RFO to contact Bradshaw’s to discuss

8.0 Matters affecting Millthorpe (19/140)

Cllr Griffiths had attempted to arrange a meeting but with little success.

9.0 Matters affecting the village (19/141)

9.1 After discussion Council resolved to appoint a Community Cleaner. Position to be advertised. Following appointment risk assessment to be carried out. Risk assessment to be carried out by the Clerk.

9.2 Cllr Griffiths had been in contact with a local firm who are willing to pay £25 per annum to sponsor a flower tub. Details to be sent to the Clerk. Aveland Pest Solutions also prepared to sponsor two further barrels.

9.3 Several letters have been sent to Highways regarding highway faults but with no response. Cllr Hill to take up. Pinfold Close to Queensway is being cut every three weeks. The footpath is being cut when needed.

9.4 Cllr Griffiths to write to Cllr Hill re the pathway between Fen Road and the old BT Box.

9.5 A discussion took place between Cllr South and Cllr Greenwood regarding the clearance of the footpath between the Playing Field and High Street. Ownership not known. Cllr South to visit residents.

9.6 Parish Matters was discussed with the question being asked “was it fit for purpose” The general consensus was a large number of residents read the publication. Residents would like the title to go back to “The Parish Matters”

Cllr Moore thanks all those who delivered the publication.

10.0 Parish Afternoon Tea (19/142)

Cllr Moore had received a Breast Care pack for arranging an afternoon tea. Cllr Moore to approach the Village Hall Committee. Council resolved to provide support.

11.0 Development Plan (19/143)

Council agreed the plan needs rewriting. Clerk to draft

12.0 Neighbourhood Plan (19/144)

Before the plan can be carried forward all questionnaires need to be returned to the Council.

13.0 Standing Orders (19/145)

A discussion took place regarding moving meetings to every six weeks. Proposed by Cllr South and seconded by Cllr Griffiths. Chair asked for a vote with 5 in favour and one Councillor abstaining. Standing orders to be amended and sent to Councillors.

14.0 Date of Next Meetings (19/146)

29 August, 10 October, 21 November, 9 January 2020, 20 February, 2 April and 14 May

Meeting closed 9.10pm