January 2020 Minutes

Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Pointon on the 16 January 2020.

Councillors present:

Cllr C South – Chair, Cllr R Greenwood, Cllr Moore, Cllr D Griffiths, Cllr C Ramm, Cllr Wells and Adrian Illingworth – Clerk.

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1 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present and opened the Public Forum at 7.30pm

Public Forum

Nine members of the public were present.

A resident from Millthorpe raised the issue of flooding at the cross roads which Highways will resolve. The dyke which has been cleared is being filled again due to vehicles going on the verge and displacing debris. Council to approach Highways. It was suggested kerb stones be laid. The Chairman thanked the resident for his work in clearing the dyke.

Action: Clerk

A resident asked if Highways could be approached to widen Millthorpe Road as vehicles do not have enough room to pass so are having to negotiate the verge.

Action: Clerk

The meeting was made aware minutes of the Parish Council meeting, held on 12 May 2016, were missing from the website. Clerk to investigate.

Action: Clerk

A request was made for correspondence from residents be made available. The Clerk explained this could be done but under GDPR no names or addresses could be displayed. The Parish Clerk will list all correspondence received.

Action: Clerk

The street light at the south end of Chapel Lane is facing the wrong way. The hedge also needs cutting. Highways to be notified.

Action: Clerk

Public Forum closed at 7.45pm when the PC meeting was opened

2.0 Apologies (19/179)

No apologies received from Cllr P Moseley or Cllr M Hill.

The meeting was advised apologies, with valid reasons for absence, had been received from Cllr Burt

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations (19/180)

Cllr R Greenwood declared an interest in item 9.4 and 10.2

4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/181)

The Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Thursday 21 November 2019 were resolved to be a true reflection by members. Minutes signed by the Chairman.

5.0 County and District Council Matters (19/182)

No reports received.

6.0 Matters brought forward from last meeting (19/183)

6.1Cllr Griffiths to investigate the land at the side of the allotment.

Action: Cllr Griffiths

6.2 A discussion took place re purchase of a litter bin. Council agreed for the Clerk to contact SKDC re the cost of emptying. Cllr Moore informed the meeting if a normal bin was purchased a cost for emptying may be incurred. Members agreed to discuss further at the next meeting.

Action: Next Meeting

6.3 Cllr Griffiths agreed to attend a surgery once a month. Cllr South to accompany.

Action: Next Meeting

A resident asked if a suggestion box could be placed in the village hall or sited underneath the notice board outside the Old Ship Inn. To be discussed at the next meeting.

6.4 Appraisal arranged for Thursday, 23 January.

6.5 Standing Orders adopted and signed by the Chair.

6.6 Explanation given as to what action had been taken regarding the missing NP questionnaires. Video evidence is available. This will be watched by the Chair and if there is any further evidence, this to be sent to the police.

A resident explained £500 had been spent on printing Neighbourhood Plan(NP) questionnaires and would like the Council to take action to recoup this amount.

A discussion took place regarding the re formation of the NP. To be carried forward

Action: Next Meeting

7.0 Finance (19/184)

It was resolved to accept orders for payments made to the sum of £2625.87 in November be authorised in addition to payments due in January for the sum of £590.80.

7.4 Monthly report from RFO had been circulated and explained. Council resolved to accept the Financial Summary.

8.0 Matters affecting Millthorpe (19/185)

Report given by Cllr Griffiths. A discussion took place regarding the provision of a notice board for the hamlet. Council have a single board which can be utilised. Clerk to contact Highways asking if this can be erected.

Action: Clerk

9.0 Matters affecting the Village (19/186)

9.1 The Chair informed the meeting if residents had problems with noise to contact SKDC Environmental Protection Team who would investigate.

9.2 A meeting was arranged with Highways in October to address concerns raised. Confirmation has been received from Highways the drainage on West Road had been surveyed but, due to the amount of work being done by the company involved, Highways had only just received their report. All works will be end of February.

Action: Clerk

The surface of Queensway is concrete and is difficult to repair. Highways are doing trial work and if successful will consider resurfacing.

9.3 Parking problems are still occurring on West Road. Highways to be notified of impact on residents.

9.4 Cllrs South and Greenwood to attend Play Ground Training on 10 June at Saxilby. Clerk to book.

Action: Clerk

9.5 The Chair raised the issue of planting more trees in the Parish. If residents are interested in the scheme to approach Council. Funding is available.

10.0 Parish Council and Pointon Community Playing Field (19/187)

10.1 The debris from the trees has not been cleared. Bradshaw’s to be contacted to remove.

Action: Clerk

A discussion had taken place between the Chair and Mr Richardson. Mr Richardson would like the Council to remove the existing trees, which are damaging his land, and replace them with more manageable trees. Mr Richardson has indicated he may contribute towards the cost. As not on the agenda to be discussed at the next meeting.

Action: Next Meeting

10.2 Letter received from NALC regarding Mr Freeman’s concerns was read out by the Clerk. A summary to be sent to Mr Freeman. An angry exchange took place between Mr Freeman and Council Members, with the Chair having to step in to bring to a halt.

11. 0 Community Cleaner (19/188)

As the risk assessment needs updating and terms and conditions have not been finalised to be moved to next meeting. Cllrs to send comments to Clerk.

Action: Councillors

12.0 VE Day 8 May 2020 (19/189)

The Parish Council, along with the Village Hall and Old Ship Inn, have been registered on the VE website. A piper has been arranged but a bugler is needed. A meeting is to be arranged with all parties, including the school, on 3 February. Chair to draft up plan.

13.0 Correspondence (19/190)

All correspondence received by the Clerk has been sent to Cllrs.

A copy of a letter received from a resident, addressed to Highways, concerning recent re-surfacing work was read out.

14.0 Date of Next Meeting (19/191)

Next meeting arranged for Thursday, 27 February.