October 2020 Minutes (28th)

Minutes of the meeting of Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council held via zoom on 28th October 2020 at 7pm.

Present: Cllr South, Chairman, Burt vice-chairman, Greenwood, Griffiths, Moore, Ramm and Wells.

District Cllr Dr P.Mosely. 9+ members of public.

Meeting commenced at 7.05pm

1. Chairman Cllr South welcomed everyone.

Public forum. Nothing had been raised.

2. Apologies. None had been received.

3. Declarations of interest. Cllr Burt declared an interest as being a director of Aliro Ltd who is the tenant of the village pub.

4. Notes of the meeting from 24th September 2020 to be approved as the minutes.

Notes of the meeting from 16th October 2020 to be approved as the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes. None.

6. Administration matters.

a. Telephone box. This has been removed from its original position to the village hall where it will be renovated. Residents can suggest where it will be resited. It was mentioned in the local plan documents that the residents would like it sited at the village hall. Cllr Greenwood suggested that the defib can be installed inside. Resident said that they would make good the cables at ground level from the original site. Clerk stated that the telephone box cannot be sited on land that belongs to both the District or County Councils.

7. Social Club.

a. Since the last Parish Council meeting, there had been lots of backlash on social media regarding the 3 years lease. Chairman Cllr South had been contacted by Dave Antink of The Ship Inn and stated that he had withdrawn his offer of taking on the lease. So there is now no lease document to discuss. Dave Antink had put this in writing via email too.

There are now 3 options currently regarding the clubhouse building:

1. Do nothing with it and leave it to rot.

2. Bulldoze it.

3. Pay out funds to get it up and running. Quotes have been obtained but maybe the electorate would like to comment on this.

Cllrs comments: Maybe a newsletter be considered to engage with the residents about their feelings. Funders for play equipment have been contacted. Perhaps ask the electorate what equipment they would like as the play area is used a lot. The rocking rocket, although it had been condemned by ROSPA was proving quite difficult to get it removed as the job isn’t as easy at it was thought of in the beginning. It was suggested that Wicksteed play equipment supplier be contacted, as this item is quite old and they have a museum of old play equipment.

8. Playing field matters:

a. Playing Field Committee. The agreement that is offered to the Playing Field committee ran out in March this year, so currently no agreement is in place. Clerk to contact chairman to find out how their committee is made up.

b. Waste bins. Discussion regarding the waste bins on the playing field had previously been discussed at the EGM on 16th October. The previous uplift of the bins by the District Council was going to cost £1500 pa. Chairman, Cllr South had spoken to SKDC to see what can be done, it was offered to the Parish Council a large bin and the smaller bins can be emptied into this, the uplift will be £17 per month or £204 pa. It was agreed by all to accept this decision thus saving the Parish Council money. No bin liners are supplied, but Cllrs were asked to source a supply.

c. Playing Field sign. It was agreed to have signs at the entrances of the playing field stating the ownership, contact details etc these can be attached to free standing posts or lampposts if permission has been granted from its owner. Clerk asked for Cllrs to email with what they thingk should be written on the signs. EG, pick up dog poo etc.

d. Storage containers. Questions were asked as to who the owners are of the containers. One belongs to the football club and the other to the outgoing Social Club committee. It was agreed to get this particular container emptied as it contains various car parts belonging to a Cllr and then get the container removed.

e. Play equipment. This was reported as per item 7.

9. Football Club. No representative from the Football Club was present, but the chairman has asked for a confirmation letter from the Parish Council stating that the Football Team can still use the playing field. Clerk to send email.

10. Financial report.

a. It was resolved to accept to financial report previously circulated.

b. Financial implications of the clubhouse. Clerk stated that the expenditure was electric, phoneline and water. It was stated that the alarm system had been paid for until the end of the year. A vote was taken and it was unanimous that the clubhouse be closed down completely. Clerk to contact the Football Club manager to request that they no longer use the building and to return the keys.

11. Planning matters.

a. None had been received directly, although Carter Jonas had made contact wishing to meet up with Parish Councillors regarding a small development at Pointon House Farm. Chairman Cllr South will circulate the date to everyone when a meeting has been set up.

12. LCC highways matters.

a. Resident had expressed concern over the road surface in Queensway. Clerk to send email to LCC Highways regarding this. Clerk suggested that the Parish Council encourage residents to contact LCC direct as this has a bigger impact. ‘fix my street’ application was mentioned.

13. Police Report.

a. None had been received but a ram raid had taken place in Billingborough. Travellers had set up in Bourne and questions were raised as to who opens and closes the access road to Pointon playing field. Cllr Greenwood said he locks it every night.

14. Correspondence.

a. All had been included within the agenda.

15. Councillors minor reports and items for inclusion at the next meeting.

a. District Councillor Dr Peter Mosely asked if he and the County Councillor can be included in each agenda. His report as follows:

The Travellers who set up in Bourne had been moved on after 8 hours.

Full kerbside refuse collections had still taken place during lockdown.

Grounds maintenance continues although some staff had been moved across to help. Critical Services was kept running.

Best Kept Village Competition, SKDC had entered all villages. Aveland Ward had scored highly.

Fly tipping, which is a greater threat had doubled in the District, although all reports had been dealt with straight away.

Residents employ people to remove their waste, it is recommended that when doing so, please check to see their waste carriers licence.

Street lights are in the process of being replaced with smart LED lighting heads. SKDC are responsible for 4000 lights and these will now be kept on in rural areas although dimmed down to 20%.

Food Waste trial was proving to be a success although it had been noted that some residents had received the waste bags but had no waste buckets, Cllr Mosely said that both High Street and Fen Road was not on the food trial list. He explained that the food waste was collected and taken to an Anaerobic Digester which turns the waste into electric and what is left goes on the land.

There is a ward member grant available, maybe the Parish Council would like to apply to some of this. Both the telephone box and playing field signs were mentioned.

At this point the public was allowed to ask questions:

The Parish Matters magazine had been used to publish local matters but this had been stopped due to costs.

It was mentioned that the Football Club may go else where due to having no toilet facilities, it was suggested that they get a portaloo and plumb it in.

The Covid grant from SKDC to the Social Club was to keep it going through the pandemic, but as they had ceased trading back in July then the monies should be returned to SKDC or offered to the Football Club to purchase the portaloo.

16. Date of next meeting.

a. It was agreed that the date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on 26th November at 6pm via zoom.

17. To resolve to move into closed session.

a. Not requested.

Meeting closed at 9.10pm