March 2020 Notes

Notes of the extraordinary general meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Pointon on the 7th March 2020.

Councillors present: Cllr C South – Chair, Cllr D Griffiths, Cllr Wells and Cllr C Ramm.

1 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present and opened the meeting in closed session at 10:30 hrs.

2 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr W Moore, Cllr C Burt and Cllr R Greenwood.

3 Parish Clerk

The Chair advised the councillors of the current situation regarding the parish clerk and that a letter of resignation had been received, this was passed around the councillors. Following a brief discussion it was resolved, unanimously by a show of hands, to accept his resignation. The Chair will inform the clerk accordingly.

Although LALC have said that an audit wasn’t necessary, the Chair advised the councillors that it would be prudent to do an internal audit at the earliest convenience. LALC had advised the Chair that if an audit was to be carried out then ideally another clerk should do it. Prior to the meeting the Chair had contacted Carol MacKenzie and she volunteered her services. It was resolved, unanimously by a show of hands, to carry out an internal audit at the earliest convenience and have Carol MacKenzie do it.

It was resolved, unanimously by a show of hands, that the Chair would write to the clerk informing him he would be paid to the end of the month but had no need to work to the end of the month.

It was resolved, unanimously by a show of hands, that all documents and equipment in the hands of the clerk should be handed over immediately.

Carol MacKenzie had further offered her services as a temporary clerk until a replacement could be found, It was resolved, unanimously by a show of hands, to accept her offer.

It was resolved, unanimously by a show of hands, that adverts should be placed in Sleaford and Bourne newspapers to advertise for a clerk. Chair to contact LALC with an advert.

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 11.05 hrs.