November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 26th November 2020 at 6pm via zoom of Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council

Present: Cllrs South-Chairman, Greenwood, Griffiths, Moore, Ramm and Wells.

District Cllr P.Moseley.

9 members of public.

1. Chairmans welcome.

Cllr South welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum.

Mr A.Ramm said that he was speaking on behalf of the absent Mr S.Freeman that it was noted the current Parish Clerk was only employed on a temporary basis and if she was to stay permanent, then it needs to be officially ratified, but as it is not on the agenda then it cannot be done at this meeting. Clerk did explain that it can be done under item 16 on the agenda.

After much discussion, it was agreed the Clerks permanent position be ratified at the next meeting. Clerk to place on the agenda.

Formal meeting started at 6.23pm.

2. Apologies.

a. None received.

3. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

4. Notes of the meeting.

a. It was resolved to accept the notes of the previous meeting held on 28th October 2020 to be accepted as a true copy of the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes.

a. Playing field sign. All Cllrs had been asked for their input as to what was to be written on the sign, nothing had been received. Cllr South said that a Parish Council playing field he had visited had a good worded sign. Clerk asked to obtain a photo of the sign as it was one of her former Parish Council playing fields.

b. Grant application paperwork had been received by Cllr Ramm for requesting funding from the District Cllr Dr. P. Moseley for refurbishment of the parish council owned telephone box.

c. Defib in telephone box. It was suggested that the defibrillator be placed inside the telephone box once refurbed and resited. Cllr Moore said that the defib belongs to the Social Club Committee and is situated on her house wall for safety purposes.

Public member: Mr A.Ramm said as he was the Chairman of the village hall, the parish plan that he has, states the defib was to be placed on the wall of the Village Hall.

At no time was the refurb of the telephone box agreed at any Parish Council meeting. It was proposed by Cllr C.Ramm and seconded by Cllr Wells and agreed by all that the refurb go ahead in principal at a cost of £750 but try to apply for a grant from the County Councillor, but even so, go ahead and get it done.

Member of Public. Mr S.Freeman arrived and apologised for attending the meeting late, he asked to be updated on the position of the current clerk only being appointed on a temporary basis and what was going to be done about it, was the vacancy going to be advertised and generally causing upset. The Chairman Cllr South gave a comprehensive reply but Mr Freeman was not happy and insisted that as the job was just temporary, he wants the job advertised. Clerk said that as Mr Freeman was not a Parish Councillor and therefore cannot speak, she asked for Standing Orders to be put into place. It was agreed that the Clerks ‘vacancy’ be advertised. Clerk to send the relevant paperwork to the chairman for approval.

6.Administration matters.

a. Clerk had received the resignation by email from Cllr Burt following the closed session meeting on 16th November. This had now been processed with SKDC and the advert for the vacant seat was placed on the notice board.

b. Vice-chairman vacancy. There had been a nomination for Cllr Griffiths to take the position of Vice-Chairman. It was proposed by Cllr C.Ramm and seconded by Cllr Wells. Resolved to accept Cllr Griffiths as Vice-Chairman.

c. Former Clerk. An update had been received from the Police and the former Clerk had appeared in Court on multiple theft charges. He was given an 8 month suspended sentence for one year. Another hearing will take place soon to deal with returning the stolen monies to all Parish Councils. Chairman Cllr South thanked the current Clerk for her work in investigating this and being able to get all the monies back via the fraud team at the bank.

d. Clerk had received an email regarding grass cutting from SKDC and that with the current budget/precept in January, it was good practise to get three quotes for this. Chairman Cllr South agreed that it was due diligence was required and that three quotes are now needed for playing field work. Clerk said that there was a generic grass cutting specification that she has on file. It was agreed to send this out. Cllr Moore asked if the current playing field committee would be allowed to quote. Clerk said they would be invited. Clerk to send specification to Chairman to look over prior to sending out. Clerk said costs are needed to be able to set the precept.

7. Reports for both District and County Councillors.

District Cllr Dr.P.Moseley gave his report. Pleased that EnviromentSK had made contact.

SK Today had been delivered to all properties by Royal Mail. Various recycling of waste had been discussed. Covid news-a testing station in Grantham should anyone need to be tested and now making space locally for a vaccine centre. Critical Services are still working, the waste disposal teams are in their own bubbles to enable them work safely. Lincolnshire seems to be affected more this time. Cllr Moseley said he was delighted to be able to offer the ward grant for the refurb of the telephone box. Other villages have used them to put books in.

Cllr Griffiths asked about the food bins as some properties had received bags. Cllr Moseley had said that the bags had been sent by mistake but hoping to roll this waste collection out to everyone.

Chairman Cllr South had reported that he had sent an email to both District and County Councillors regarding the overhanging trees and high sided lorries have to wait for oncoming traffic before they can pass.

Cllr Dr P.Moseley left the meeting at 7.15pm.

8. Social Club.

a. Discussion had taken place regarding the resignation of Cllr Burt, Cllr Moore explained that you cannot be a Parish Councillor and gain financially from a Parish Council asset. Lots of flack had been reported on the facebook village forum about the pub taking over the clubhouse, the Parish Council didn’t force his arm to leave but it is against the law for any Cllr to benefit financially from anything the Parish Council owns. A decision had to be made and it was agreed to ask Dave Antink from the pub if he is still interested in a lease on the Clubhouse/Pavillion. A local estate agent had been asked to deal with writing up a lease and also to give a true rebuild valuation of the building for insurance purposes. Dave Antink was aware prior to this meeting!! That he may be offered the lease subject to advice from the estate agents and is negotiable.

County Cllr M.Hill gave his report. Apologies received for attending late. Comment was made that this meeting was not great. The Covid virus had put Lincolnshire into Tier 3 and hopefully in two weeks time it maybe reduced to Tier 2. East Lindsey area is worse but the infection rates are coming down. Regarding the refurb of the telephone box, please do apply for funding.

Chairman Cllr South had mentioned the email sent regarding the trees, discussion had taken place, this cannot be reported here for legal reasons.

Cllr Hill left the meeting at 7.50pm.

Resident from St.Gilbert’s Close asked to speak. Permission had been granted. Resident thought it was pretty disgusting at the way the owner of the trees had been talked about.

Regarding the £900 to refurb the telephone box, why can’t this money be put towards the trimming of the trees.

9. Playing field.

A copy of the grass cutting agreement for the Playing Field Committee has previously been circulated to all Cllrs. Cllr Moore stated that we had already agreed to go out to tender and to make sure that the Playing Field Committee was allowed to quote too.

Due to ongoing disruption by all Councillors, the meeting was terminated at 8.10pm.