March 2023 Minutes


Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 7.00pm in St Gilbert Primary School


Councillors Present: Cllrs Clarke, Freeman, Green, Greenwood, Ramm,  and Wesley (Chair).

In attendance Parish Clerk Boden and nine members of the public.

To be noted that the meeting may be recorded for the purpose of transparency.



To receive reports from outside bodies. There were no reports or questions from outside bodies or members of the public, as the Annual Parish Meeting had been held prior.

Report from C.Cllr Hill. No report.

Report from D. Cllr Dixon-Warren. No report.



22121. To receive and accept apologies for absence. It was resolved to accept the apologies from Cllr Taylor.

22122. Declarations of interest. There were no declarations of interest.

22123. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 24th January 2023 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 24th January 2023 and for the chair to sign.

22124. Chairs Report.

a) To approve the donation of the clock to the Village Hall. The clerk has taken professional advice from the Insurance providers and the PC have been advised to donate the clock to the Village Hall. It was resolved to donate the clock to the Village Hall and remove from the PC asset register.

22125. Clerk’s Report

a) Update of the Bench. The bench that is presently in situ does not belong to SKDC, as previously thought. It is owned by the school and purchased via a grant from SKDC for the Millennium. Paperwork that needs to be sent to LCC for the sitting of the new bench is ready to be filled in. A Thank You goes to the donators whose money has now been received.

b) GDPR issues. The clerk has received a couple of emails regarding questions over GDPR. She explained that the Cllrs were asked to create independent email addresses and she had suggested a format. However, all Cllrs are adults, and she cannot force them to use this format. All the email addresses that she has been given have been uploaded onto the contact page on the Parish Council website and are public knowledge. At no point does she use BCC or only keep certain Cllrs in the loop of the work that is ongoing within the Parish Council.

c) Elections. Elections are due on the 4th May 2023 for both District and Parish Cllrs. This year photo ID must be presented to be able to vote. There are 7 seats available and election packs can be collected from the clerk if anybody would like to stand. If there are 7 people or less, then it will be uncontested  and only if there are more people than seats will there be an election for the Parish Council. The closing date is 4pm on the 4th April 2023.


22126. Finances:

a) To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings.






£100 (S/O)


M. Fryer (Wage – week 48)



SKDC (Trade Waste) Dec

£17.00 (S/O)


SKDC (Trade Waste) Feb

£17.00 (S/O)

Please note the December Standing Order was never collected by SKDC and they did not empty the bin in January so there has been no payment. It has now been resolved and the December and February payments to SKDC will be taken but at the old amount of £17.00 rather than the increase of £19.00.

It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on payments between meetings.

b) To approve payments as list below.

Invoice Date




R. Boden (Wage – month 11)






Mileage ( meeting contractor)


It was resolved to approve the payments listed above.

c) To accept the list of payments received.





Pointon FC



Aliro Ltd






Donator (Bench)


It was resolved to approve the payments received.

d) To consider and approve the bank reconciliation. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.

e) To consider and approve that both the Village Litter Picker and the Clerk are paid by standing order, with any expenses brought to the next meeting. It was resolved to approve that the Village Litter Picker and the Clerk are paid by standing order, with any expenses brought to the next meeting.

f) To consider and approve a Debit Card for Parish Council use. It was resolved to approve a Debit Card for Parish Council use.

g) To consider and approve the change of banks from Lloyds Bank (deferred item)(22110e). It was resolved to approve the change of banks from Lloyds Bank to Virgin Bank as this is still free rather than Unity which would bring a monthly fee.

22127. LALC.

a) To consider and approve the renewal of the Annual Subscription 23-24 at £166.11. It was resolved to approve the renewal of the Annual Subscription 23-24 to LALC.

b) To consider and approve joining the Annual Training Scheme 23-24 at £100 + vat. It was resolved to approve joining the Annual Training Scheme 23-24.

22128. Playing Field Container - To consider and approve the removal of the container from the Playing Field, as agreed at the November meeting (22088). Cllr Greenwood would have the removal of the container sorted by Thursday 9th March 23.

22129. Telephone Box – To consider and approve the gifting of the Telephone Box to the Village Hall for the housing of the defibrillator. It was resolved to approve the gifting of the Telephone Box to the Village Hall for the housing of the defibrillator.

22130. King’s Coronation – To consider and approve the gifting of bookmarks & seed packets to St Gilberts Primary School and Pointon Brownies. It was resolved to approve the gifting of bookmarks and seed packets to the Primary School and Pointon Brownies. It was also resolved to purchase an extra 30 packets of the more expensive seeds for the elderly contingent of the Village.

22131. Parish waste bins – To consider and approve the moving of the dog waste bins to more appropriate places (deferred item)(22091). It was resolved to approve the moving of the dog waste bins once suitable posts had been found and residents in the immediate vicinity had been consulted.

22132. Register of Interests form – To receive and complete the new register of interests form from SKDC, as the Parish Council adopted the LGA Code of Conduct. SKDC has recently updated the Register of Interests form due to the adoption of the new Code of Conduct.

22133. Date and time of next Parish Council Meeting is Tuesday 18th April 2023 at 7.30pm. 



Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).

22134. Grass Cutting Contract – To consider and approve the grass cutting contract and Arboriculture work for the Playing Field (3-year contract). It was resolved to defer the grass cutting contract and to hold an extra-ordinary meeting on the 17th March to agree the grass cutting contract. The football club and the PCPF will be invited to attend to so that the Council can explain the reasoning for the move.

It was resolved to award the Arboriculture work for the Northern Boundary fence to R J Flower Contracting T/A Prestige Landscapes. 

It was resolved to award the Arboriculture work for the Southern Boundary to Tidy Gardens.

22135. Pavilion Locks – To consider and approve the contract for the Pavilion locks. It had already been resolved to change the locks at a previous meeting. Cllr Freeman wanted it to be stated she was against the changing of the locks due to cost and Cllr Ramm wanted it to be known that she abstained. It was resolved to give the contract to C&J Supplies Ltd to change the 3 main locks on the Pavilion.

The meeting closed at 10.03pm.