October 2023 Minutes


Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7.30 pm in St Gilbert Primary School

Councillors Present: Cllrs Christie, Clarke, Green, Greenwood, Keeley and Wesley (Chair).

In attendance: D. Cllr Dixon-Warren, Parish Clerk Boden and 13 members of the public.

To be noted that the meeting may be recorded for the purpose of transparency.



To receive reports from outside bodies.

Report from C. Cllr Hill. No report.

Report from D. Cllr Dixon-Warren. D. Cllr Dixon-Warren explained that there were no further updates to report.

Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public. A resident gave an update on the condition of West Road and asked if the Council had received any more news. D. Cllr Dixon- Warren explained that he was in contact with C. Cllr Hill and if he received any news, he would forward it.

A resident asked if the PC could sell the Pavilion to the football club. Unfortunately, the PC cannot sell the Pavilion as stated in the deeds. As the Chairman of the FC was unavailable a member of the FC read out a statement that they had been turned down for the grant due to PC’s involvement. The clerk asked if the email could be forwarded and then she could understand and possibly help the FC.




23091. To receive and accept apologies for absence. All Cllrs were present.

23092. To consider the co-option of a new Councillor and to witness the signature of Acceptance. It was resolved to defer the item as the application paperwork had not been received but the person was still interested.

23093. To receive Declarations of interest. Cllr Wesley declared an interest in agenda item 9b.

23094. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th September 2023 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th September 2023 and for the chair to sign.

23095. Finances:

a) To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings





British Gas (Electricity)


2nd quarter




R. Boden (to reimburse for computer)



R. Flower Contracting



M Fryer (to reimburse safety boots)


It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on the payments made between the meetings.

b) To approve payments as list below.

Invoice Date




M. Fryer (Wage – week 32)



R. Boden (Month 7)


Oct Invoice

SKDC Trade Waste


It was resolved to approve the payments as listed above. 

c) To note payments received





Cash Donation


It was resolved to note the cash payment received. It was also noted that the fees from Pointon FC of £100.00 had been received after the agenda had been issued.

d) To consider and approve the second quarter spend against the budget. It was resolved to approve the second quarter spend against the budget.

e) To consider and approve the bank reconciliation. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.


23096. Clerk’s report. To receive an update of outstanding matters from the previous meetings. The PC had been successful with the claim through the small claims court though the amount had not been received as of yet.

The clerk had received a phone call from SKDC regarding the possibility of an enforcement notice being issued regarding the items being stored outside the tractor shed. This could be a potential cost to the PC. Further phone calls are to be expected.

As previously requested, the clerk had received a copy of the insurance from the FC and an email regarding the dug outs that belonged to the FC.


23097. Pavilion.

a) To receive the report of the asbestos survey. The asbestos had recently been discovered and showed asbestos within the building. The report was carried out by Stone Asbestos Ltd and it will be placed on the website shortly. Any refurbishment or demolition will need a further in-depth report to be carried out. At the present the costs have been quoted in the region of £850 + vat.

b) To consider the future situation of the building. After a number of outbursts from the public it was resolved that a public meeting would be held so a broader view could be obtained.


23098. Football Club 

a) To consider the request for 4 extra welfare units (new information received within 6 months – S/O). It was resolved to defer this item in the light of the SKDC decision and the need of a public meeting.


23099. Playing Field. 

a) To consider the report on the tree inspection. The report showed that a considerable amount of work needs to be undertaken and it was resolved that the clerk work alongside Cllr Wesley to categorise the order of the work. 

b) To receive an update on the fencing around the field. Cllrs Green and Keeley explained that much of the fence is broken and run down and therefore work needs to be carried out. The clerk suggested that there are a number of trusts and charities that provide access to free or cheaper hedging and could this be a solution. It was resolved for the clerk to write to the tenant of the adjoining land and see if hedging could be considered.

c) To receive an update on the fencing between the playing field and public house. A meeting had been held between Cllrs Green, Wesley and 8 sails brewery. 8 Sails are happy to install a permanent fence between the playing field and the public house with gated access, that would have two locks. Keys for one lock would be held by the Parish Council and the other by 8 Sails. The gate would be opened when events were being held and it would benefit both parties. It would not be opened as a permanent walkway. It was resolved that a single hand gate should be suggested and for the clerk to write to 8 Sails


23100. Planning Application: To note the planning appeal  

Planning reference






35 Village Street Millthorpe

Proposed 2-storey side and rear extension with proposed link, conversion of outbuildings, and alterations


23101. Date and time of next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 21st November at 7.30pm.



Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).

23102. To note the appraisal of the Village Litter picker. The appraisal of the Village Litter picker had been held and they were happy with the role. PPE had been mentioned and the clerk had sorted out the purchases of the items.