September 2023 Minutes


Tuesday 19th September 2023 at 7.30 pm in St Gilbert Primary School


Councillors Present: Cllrs Christie, Clarke, Greenwood, Keeley and Wesley (Chair).

In attendance: Parish Clerk Boden, a representative (Chair) of the football club and 11 members of the public.

It was noted that apologies had been received from D. Cllr Dixon-Warren.


To be noted that the meeting may be recorded for the purpose of transparency.



To receive reports from outside bodies.

Report from C.Cllr Hill. No report had been received.

Report from D. Cllr Dixon-Warren. No report had been received.

Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public. The residents of West Road gave a report on the ongoing problems with the flooding of the road. Nothing has been done by LCC since the inspection digging on the 19th July.

The football club had brought in the memorial bench and wanted to know where the damage was. Cllr Green was not present to show where it had been repaired. It is to be noted that the bench was purchased with PC money.

A member of public commented that the footpath next to the village hall had been narrowed. Cllr Wesley explained that there was a new tenant of the field and the footpath had been narrowed to around 2m wide. However legally it only needs to be 1m wide for a footpath. The new farm manager had assured him that it would not get any narrower and a roller would be run along the edge.

A parishioner stated that when they go onto the playing field they come home with yellow staining on their shoes and clothes. Cllr Wesley explained that it was ‘lawn rust’ and this is not toxic and is due to weather conditions. 




23078. To receive and accept apologies for absence. It was resolved to accept the apologies from Cllr Green due to personal reasons.

23079. Declarations of interest. No declarations of interest were received.

23080. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 22nd August 2023 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on the 22nd August and for the chair to sign.

23081. Finances:

a)To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings





M. Fryer (Wage – week 24)



Amazon (lock, binbags, aprons)



HMCTS Money Claim



 British Gas (Electricity)



R. Boden (PO stamp)



R. Boden (to reimburse for fencing)



R. Flower Contracting


It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on the payments made between meetings.


b) To approve payments as list below.

Invoice Date




M. Fryer (Wage – week 28)



R. Boden (Month 6)


Sept Invoice

SKDC Trade Waste


It was resolved to accept the list of payments as listed above. 


c)To note payments received.





Cash Donation



Pointon FC


It was resolved to note the payments received.


d)To consider and approve the bank reconciliation. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.


23082. Clerk’s report. To receive an update of outstanding matters from the previous meetings. All points are covered within the minutes of the meeting.

23083. Policies and Risk Assessments. To review the following policies and Risk Assessment

a)Delegation of Powers. After discussion to change number 14 and 15 it was resolved to accept the Delegation of Powers.

b)Litter picking risk assessment. It was resolved to accept the litter picking risk assessment.

23084.Pavilion. To receive an update on the Pavilion including the change of tariff for the electricity. The electricity tariff has been changed with British Gas due to rising costs. 

The members of the football club would like access to the changing rooms and feel that any hazards that need repairing could be dealt with by the trade people within the club. The time and resources would be donated by the football club members. It was resolved for PC members to meet with members of the football club on Wednesday 20th September to see if any plan could be formatted.

A legionnaires report would still need to be carried out as stated in the previous Health & Safety report. Cllr Greenwood is sure that no report is needed for the showers. The Council and Councillors are liable for any incidents.

23085. Football Club 

a)To note the grass cutters for the football club. There is no list.

b)To note the need for a copy of the public liability certificate. Whilst the paperwork shows that the FC does have public liability for the club it does not show if the FC are covered for grass cutting, insuring the cutting equipment etc. The chair of the FC will chase.

c)To consider the request for 5 welfare units (new information received within 6 months – S/O). One welfare unit was approved in July and therefore the other 4 units are a new request. The item will be deferred until the next meeting.


23086. Playing Field. 

a)To ratify the purchase of fencing for the playground after its removal. It was resolved to ratify the purchase of new Heras fencing, on H&S grounds, for the playground due to its removal by the owners.

b)To follow up on the removal of the machinery outside the tractor shed for risk assessment purposes. As Cllr Greenwood had not removed the machinery after the letter,  a meeting had been held with Cllr Greenwood opening the container and discussing the machinery outside the shed. Cllr Greenwood agreed to remove the machinery but there is no set date for when this will be carried out.

c)To consider the purchase of a sign stating opening/ closing times for the gate. It was resolved to purchase a sign stating the opening/ closing times for the gate. Times to be 7.30am - dusk or 9pm.

d)To consider the purchase of bins for the recycling of plastic bottles. It was resolved to purchase a bin for the recycling of plastic bottles. It is to be sited by the football dug outs and for the general waste bin to be placed elsewhere on the field.

e)To receive an update on the fencing around the field. The clerk is still waiting for the report from the tree inspection around the field. The fencing down the drive does need to be sorted due to its condition but at present it is not in the budget.


23087. Local Council Award Scheme. To consider applying for the Foundation Award. It was resolved for the Council to apply for the Foundation Level of the Local Council Award Scheme.

23088.Planning Application: To consider planning applications 

a)S23/1646 – 19 Fen Road, Pointon, NG34 0LZ. It was resolved to add ‘No comment’ to the application.

b)S23/1643 - 1 High Street, Pointon, NG34 0LX. It was resolved to add ‘No comment’ to the application.

23089. Date and time of next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 17th October at 7.30pm.


The meeting closed at 8.56pm.