April 2022 Minutes

Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council


PARISH COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Dean Wesley (Chair), Robert Clarke, Chris Green, Roy Greenwood, Corrine Ramm, Joyce Taylor and Georgina Freeman

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Richard Dixon-Warren, Susan McArd (to minute the meeting) and 10 members of the public

It was noted that the meeting was videoed 

1.  TO RECEIVE AND ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:  Councillor Freeman had sent apologies as she would be late in joining the meeting.

2.  DECLARATION OF INTEREST:   There were no declarations of interest.

3.  PUBLIC QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS:   The Chairman asked for questions from the public, the length of forum to be 15 minutes.  The Chairman reminded members of the public that following the public forum, if they wanted to ask a question, they should raise their hand; response to this would be at the Chair’s discretion.

Pointon Football Club were congratulated on their recent success as champions of Division 1.

Q.  Can the Parish Council website be updated?

A. ThIs will be looked at.

ACTION:  Cllr Wesley/new clerk

A representative of the Aveland History Group outlined the group’s work and their plans to create a portable artwork in stained-glass and oak for the Platinum Jubilee.  They are asking for a pledge of £300 from local villages to fund this.

ACTION:  Agenda item for the Platinum Jubilee

There being no other questions the forum closed at 7.40pm


There were no reports from County 

The Chair introduced the recently appointed District Councillor, Richard Dixon-Warren. Cllr Dixon-Warren reported on the recent council tax increases, SKDC’s aid for Ukraine and reminded Councillors that cases of fly-tipping on public land should be reported as SKDC will remove this and prosecute offenders whenever possible.

POLICE:  No report was received

PLAYING FIELD:  It was noted that there are still two fallen trees which need clearing.

Pointon Football Club have had a very successful season and were congratulated on their success.

Q. Dog fouling is still a concern; would it help if dogs were kept on leads in whilst on the Playing Field?  This would not make a difference; it needs to be publicised that a ban on dogs on the field may have to be considered. 

VILLAGE HALL:  The Village Hall Committee is holding their AGM this evening.

PARISH COUNCIL:  Correspondence had been found regarding the adoption of the telephone kiosk, this clarified that the telephone kiosk belongs to the Parish Council.  It was confirmed that the Village Hall would insure the kiosk in future.  


Cllr Ramm requested that amendments be made to the minutes of the meeting held on 24 March, clarification would be added as necessary.

The minutes of the meeting held on 10 February require amending as they contain an incorrect date.

ACTION:  Minutes to be amended, recirculated and agreed at the next meeting

7.55pm Cllr Freeman joined the meeting

6.  PLANNING MATTERS:  No planning applications received.

7.  TRAFFIC CALMING:  Cllr Freeman gave a report on the Speed Watch scheme including costings.  It was suggested that the local community should be consulted to seek their views and to ask for volunteers to ‘man’ the scheme and their advice on the location of the device.  The local community would be contacted via a leaflet drop and article in the newsletter.  

A police speed trap in the village could be requested.

ACTION:  Cllr Wesley to contact Police to request

White gates near the village sign were also suggested to deter speeding.  This would require permission from highways.  Cllr Wesley to investigate.

ACTION:  Cllr Wesley

8.  PLAY EQUIPMENT:  Concerns have been raised as the Rocket play equipment has been removed from the playing field for repairs.  Wickstead have instructed the Council that as it has been removed from the field, once repaired, it will be classed as new equipment and will not meet current regulations.  Due to the age of the existing equipment on the playing field they all come under the old regulations.  Cllr Clarke was asked to find out how it can be made to conform to current regulations.

ACTION:  Cllr Clarke


It was noted that grass verges in West Road and around Sempringham Abbey are being regularly cut by a local resident free of charge.  It was suggested that the Parish Council consider making a donation towards fuel costs. Councillors were concerned that this may set a precedent.  Mention in newsletters, letters of thanks or a parish award/money donation were suggested as recompense.


Mr South of Sempringham has kindly offered to supply the plants and water the tubs in Sempringham.

Cost of plants and planting up for the remaining barrels (in Pointon and Millthorpe) is £15 - £20 per barrell.

At this juncture it was pointed out that the notice of the meeting was not sent out within the correct time frame so no resolutions could be passed at this meeting.

Mr and Mrs Richardson kindly agreed to organise the purchase and planting for the barrels in Pointon and Millthorpe.  Volunteers agreed to water the barrels regularly throughout the summer months.

11.  PLATINUM JUBILEE:  A meeting had taken place at St Gilbert’s school on 20 April to set out the agenda for planning the event on Saturday 4 June from 11am – 3pm.  Various activities, games and stalls have been organised.  Each child in the parish and on roll at St Gilbert’s school will receive a commemorative coin; these will also be given to elderly people in the parish.

The next stage for planning the event will be advertised by a flyer.

A village bench was suggested to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee; Councillors looked at designs, this would cost in the region of £1,000 with fitting. The existing bench outside the school needs to be replaced to repaired as it belongs to SKDC and Cllr Green has already contacted them regarding this.  An anonymous parishioner generously agreed to fund £500 toward the purchase of a bench if the Parish Council will pay the rest.  Additional Jubilee grants may be available, Cllr Green would look into this.

ACTION:  Cllr Green to explore grants.  

Designs for the Village Hall clock were looked at, the proposed designs would be circulated to Councillors for their approval.

12.  FINANCE:  Cllr Ramm signed the mandate forms so Cllr Wesley can be made an authorised signatory. 

Accounts need to be audited for the end of year.

The invoice for litter picking needs to be looked at before payment is made. The SKDC Bin payment of £17 will be made by Direct Debit.  

9.10pm Cllr Dixon-Warren declared an interest in item 13 and left the meeting 


The vacancy for Clerk has been advertised, with three enquires and one application received to date.

The previous Clerk had sent a letter written by Cllr Ramm  to the solicitors which broke the Code of Conduct.  She subsequently wrote a letter of resignation to Cllr Wesley which he accepted.

14.  SOLICITOR’S UPDATE:  The Court hearing is going ahead on 3 May. Cllr Wesley has been informed by the Solicitors that he has no jurisdiction and therefore cannot attend because of an email sent to the solicitors by Cllr Ramm.  Cllr Ramm informed the chairman that those who gave the evidence would be attending. (Dr Moseley, Cllr Greenwood and Cllr Ramm.)

15.  DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The date of the next meeting will be 19 May 2022 but this may be subject to change.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm.