November 2021 Agenda
Notice of the Parish Council Meeting to be held on Thursday 25th November 2021 at Pointon School commencing at 7.30 p.m.
All Councillors are hereby summoned to attend at the above time.
The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in this Agenda.
1. The Chairman will invite questions from the public prior to opening the meeting (15 minutes allocated)
2. Receive apologies for absence and reasons given
3. Declarations of interest
4. Receive reports from Outside Bodies, the Clerk and Councillors including any matters relating to
- County
- District
- Playing Field
- Police
- Village Hall
- Parish Council
5. Minutes of meetings held in August, September and October 2021 - to approve as a true and accurate account
6. Planning
- S21/2086
- S21/1223
- S21/2140
7. Play Equipment
8. Playing Field/Footpath No.10
9. Traffic Calming for Pointon and Millthorpe cross roads
- To discuss response received from Road Safety Partnership
- Millthorpe cross roads drainage
10. Newsletter
11. Finance
- Income and Expenditure to date
- Payments to be approved
- Precept 2022-2023
- Electricity Invoices (ALIRO)
12. Update from around the Parish and from Parishioners
- Platinum Jubilee
13. Date of next meeting
- Date and venue of next meeting to be confirmed
14. Closed session