The Pavilion has been closed since June 2023 when the tenant gave up their tenancy. As the building is over 50 years old and has seen better days the present Council would like to replace the building and open it as a place for the community. The Council are holding an event for electors of the parish to come and have a look at a number of designs for the new pavilion which will be held on Saturday 14 September, 10am to 1pm, at Christchurch, Pointon.
We appreciate that some members of the parish may not be able to attend and therefore we have uploaded the designs below. If you have any comments, please contact the Parish Clerk.
These drawings are the first stage of gauging the elector's interest in a new pavilion. It must be noted that none of these plans are finalised and are subject to change before being sent out to tender. Once the tenders have been received, the Parish Council can move forward to apply for grants as each grant has its own criteria.
Potential Designs for the pavilion:
Pavilion - Existing (Click the image to enlarge)
Pavilion - Option 1 (Click the image to enlarge)
Pavilion - Option 2 (Click the image to enlarge)
Pavilion - Option 3 (Click the image to enlarge)
Pavilion - Option 4 (Click the image to enlarge)
Separate Sports Block (Click the image to enlarge)
Listed below are the audits and reports that have been carried out on the pavilion since 2020
Sports & Social Club Initial Compliance Audit