September 2018 Notes

Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, 27 September 2018

Councillors present:

Cllr R Greenwood – Chair, Cllr C Lambert – Vice Chair, Cllr W Moore, Cllr J Sharples, Cllr A Scarfe, Cllr J Keeley, and Adrian Illingworth – Clerk.

No representation from District or County Council.

Andy Hubbert – Sleaford Standard

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1 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present and reminded them of the format of the Public Forum.

Public Forum (18/39) Commenced 7.30pm

19 Members of the public present.

A resident pointed out at the last meeting, Council ratified a Direct Debit be set up to PCPF for £200, and asked what this was for. The Chair explained the funds are to maintain the field, with the Council paying for fuel, and directed the resident to contact PCPF direct for a breakdown.

When are the trees around the field going to be pruned? Clerk to chase.

An investigation is under way regarding the subject of missing forms. An explanation was given as to what stage the investigation was at. Cllr Lambert explained, the Council had been informed all forms had to be handed in by candidates. If was incorrect then he apologised.

A letter had been received from the Chairman of the Village Hall asking for an explanation as to why the Council needed a copy of the accounts. The Clerk explained this was normal policy as the Council had to be satisfied funds were required.

A member of the public explained no accounts were available for 2016-2017 but a copy of the accounts for 2017-2018 would be provided.

Forum closed at 7.46pm

Before addressing the agenda, Cllr Moore gave a personal statement.

In addition Cllr Greenwood was presented a certificate for runner up as an unsung hero for all the work he has done.

2.0 Apologies (18/40)

Apologies received from Cllr Green. Reason for absence agreed and accepted by members.

No apologies had been received from Dr Cllr Mosely or Cllr M Hill

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations (18/41)

Cllr Moore and Greenwood stated interest in item 14.3

4.0 Signing of the minutes (18/42)

The Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Thursday, 23 August 2018 were resolved to be a true reflection by members. Cllr Moore abstained as was not present at the meeting

5.0 Matters arising from the Minutes (18/43)

Cllr Moore asked if the Parish Councils Development Plan could be included as a standing agenda item. This was resolved to be accepted by all members.

Cllr Moore also requested the Plan to be accepted by the Council and for a copy to be placed on the website – and sempringham parish council.

6.0 County & District Council Matters (18/44)

No representatives present

7.0 Finance (18/45)

7.1 Donation from Car Club 50.00

7.2 The following payments were resolved to be paid by Council

7.2.1 Clerk’s Salary 214.90

7.2.2 HMRC-PAYE 160.80

7.2.3 Westgate Printers – Mar, Apl and Sept 982.30

7.2.4 PCPF – Aug/Sept 200.00

The purchase of the 11th edition of Arnold Baker held over until the Clerk has spoken to other Councils.

8.0 Communication (18/46)

The Chair asked where the last two copies of the recorded minutes were. Mr S Freeman explained he had no compulsion to make these public. A resident felt rights were being infringed as they do not want comments recorded.

9.0 Matters affecting the Village (18/47)

9.1 Markers for the Scott Walk to be purchased. These would show arrows and signage as to indicate distance travelled. The Chairman agreed to fund the purchase.

9.2 Quotes to be obtained for the purchase of a bench

9.3 It was proposed a village shop form part of the development of the Old Ship Inn. No Council involvement was required.

10.0 Highways (18/48)

10.1 Cllr Scarfe explained the situation and possible solutions to improve the footpath between the Playing Field and High Street. He has spoken to residents along the pathway and will obtain costings for the next meeting.

10.2 Residents raised concern regarding parking on Pinfold Lane. Drivers have been approached not to park on the grass but has had no impact. The school have been made aware but no action taken. Clerk to contact the school to ask for their assistance. Also to contact Sleafordian Coaches.

The allotment area is overgrown. Cllr Scarfe in contact with SKDC Housing to take over responsibility.

11.0 Play Area (18/49)

An update was given by Cllr Scarfe. Play equipment to be used on the grass. If this is no higher than 1.5 meters no ground work is required. To put leaflets together for residents. Any ideas from residents to be sent to the Clerk at

12.0 Election 2019 (18/50)

Explanation given as to process involved. Any information received from SKDC to be posted on notice boards and the Council’s website. Cllr Moore encouraged all residents to put themselves forward for election.

13.0 Planning (18/51)

13.1 No applications received

13.2 The following application was declined - Demolition of an outbuilding and erection of a bungalow at 23 High Street.

14.0 Correspondence (18/52)

14.1 Statement of Community Involvement sent by SKDC read out. Anyone interested in making comment to visit SKDC’s website.

14.2 Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Safety had requested contact details for clubs and associations. The Clerk explained this information was not given in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulations.

14.3 The Vice Chairman read out a letter received from Mr S Freeman regarding an incident which had taken place at the Sports and Social Club, involving Cllrs Moore and Greenwood. As this was not a Council issue but was being investigated by the police, further statements made.

Cllr Scarfe has provided Millthorpe with Speed Scheme details and is awaiting feedback as to where a speed sign is to be placed. (18/53)

Meeting closed at 8.48pm